Autumn is such a tender and special time of year. A sense of longing in the air as the expansiveness of Summer fades. In Chinese Medicine, Fall relates to the Metal Element, the Lungs & Large Intestine, the idea of Impermanence, and the emotion Grief.

The leaves so beautifully demonstrate this energy, changing colors and falling gracefully when they are no longer needed. There is no question or doubt of their value to the tree, as their worth is intrinsic in nature throughout the whole process, and inherently remains after they’ve fallen. Much like the functions of the Lungs & LI, there is a theme of ‘letting go’ associated with this energy as well as being at peace with the impermanence of all things, including our own existence, and realizing the pure value of all that is, including our own self worth.

Disharmony arrives when grief lingers longer than necessary, and can be observed as an inability to ‘let go’ of toxic energy, be it an unhealthy relationship or stool, leading to constipation for example. “I want to let go of X, but I can’t because Y” is the stereotypical unbalanced Metal expression. It can also be reflected internally as a lack of self worth and a constant need for approval from others to verify personal value.

A great exercise to work with the energy of the Metal element, and is especially potent during the Fall, is to meditate or journal on the habits, ways of being, beliefs, people, places, obligations, etc that are no longer serving you and that you are ready to release. The only way new, pure experiences can enter our life is by creating space for them by letting go of what is no longer serving your highest good.