

What is moxibustion?

Moxibustion, or moxa, is a Chinese Medicine modality in which the herb mugwort is burned near an acupoint. This therapy predates acupuncture and was first used during the Han Dynasty as early as 206BC to dispel diseases from cold and dampness. Moxa can be applied in several techniques including burning loose mugwort, burning a tightly rolled mugwort stick, or using a wooden box to trap mugwort smoke over a larger area.

What is mugwort?

Mugwort is an herb from the daisy family that grows wild in temperate climates all over the world. It is traditionally harvest during a very potent yang cycle: 3rd & 5th lunar day of the 3rd & 5th lunar month. It has been done this way for thousands of years in order to preserve the most optimal properties of mugwort, which are warming, bitter, and acrid. Studies show mugwort contains medicinal oils, minerals, and vitamins that act as a nervine (calms nervous system), tonic (nourishes blood & energy), febrifuge (reduces fever), and emmenagogue (stimulates menstruation by increasing blood flow to the pelvic area).

How does moxa work? 

Moxa works by the law of thermodynamics- an object doesn’t possess heat, but rather ‘internal energy’. Therefore, moxibustion transfers heat into the tissues to increase the internal energy of the body. The heat generated by the combustion of the herb stimulates the point to regulate blood, fluid, and energy flow throughout the myofascial channel. Moxa invigorates the blood, dissolves stagnation, grounds energy downward, warms the body systematically, and helps to get rid of excess fluid retention. It’s not that the moxibustion heals the body, but rather it gives the body what it needs to heal itself. 

What does moxa treat?

Moxibustion has been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of conditions and ailments. Moxa can be beneficial for treating musculoskeletal pain/tension/swelling, digestive disorders, cold/flu/cough, weakened immune system, insomnia, anemia, arthritis, menstrual dysfunction, reproductive concerns, menopause symptoms, breech births, circulation or breathing issues, headaches, skin conditions, edema, and injuries to name a few. Moxa has an effect on the mental-emotional health as well by calming emotions and strengthening spirit, according to Ancient Chinese. They also believed moxibustion nourishes life and prevents disease, and modern studies have shown that it increases white blood cells, thus boosting immunity.

What to expect during a moxa treatment?

During the treatment, you will feel local heat over the point being treated, as well as heat radiating throughout the limbs, hands, feet, and entire body. You may also feel energy and blood flow as the warmth and circulation increases from the moxa. After the treatment, you should rest as much as possible, eat simple and light, avoid cold/raw foods, reduce stress and intense activity for 24 hours, and protect treated areas from wind/cold/heat/dampness exposure.

Moxa is generally a safe modality, but should only be applied by a trained professional. There are certain conditions in which moxa is not recommended. To include moxa therapy in your session, book an appointment with me and we’ll add it to your treatment!